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(Nov. 27 - Dec. 3) The End is Near

This week in shop, I worked on the LED board and the SQL database. I created an array that contains three string elements and for every value it receives it only keeps the latest three inputs. This allows the display to cycle through a number of inputs without overwhelming the UDP memory.

On the back end, I separated the SQL query that displays recent searches to the webpage and the query that sends a UDP packet. In order to display a large amount of values while only sending the most recent search to the LED board.

All I have to do for the project to be complete is send the Article title returned by the API through UDP instead of just the search. This should be simple enough except that I would have to prevent searches that do not find any headlines from returning anything or else the database might break.

The Progress:

Online Forum:

Must be on MHS wifi to work:

The LED Display:

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